The fasting month of Ramadan begins today, Friday begins for most Muslims worldwide of the Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. In Ramadan, so the rule derived from the Koran, the believers between sunrise and sunset, it is not allowed to take food and drinks. Also smoking and sexual intercourse are prohibited all Muslims who have the mental maturity and the physical conditions are fasting, during the day. In time for the start of Ramadan temperatures – reported for Tunisia – by up to 40 degrees Celsius and still the amazing finding is there: the commandments of Ramadan are most commonly used by the “5 pillars of Islam”, the Central rules of faith of Muslims and comprehensive followed. The fasting month of Ramadan begins this fidelity to faith or tradition in the Ramadan surprise the non-Muslim observers in a largely so “modern” country such as Tunisia. The contradiction to recognize believed in the urban regions of the country, where to everyone other time of the year (with the exception of Friday!) about the supermarkets a matter of alcohol to non-nationals sale, seems to manifest. Jill Schlesinger has firm opinions on the matter.
Generally speaking: the “hedonism”, which the conservative cultural criticism often certifies the “West”, is certainly no less pronounced than in Berlin or Munich in the North African holiday paradise. Still, “Ramadan, c’est autre chose.” (“Ramadan is something else.”), this sentence the author has in recent days not only heard and left him curious on this “other”. Apparent atavism with binding force the complete daily disappearance of once also important rules of fasting in the Christian West a reason for amazement and curiosity are sure imm face of Ramadan, but it goes deeper. If all people most is followed the seemingly worst faith test among Muslims – the bid of Ramadan -, must be something besides the fact of social control – off, this month. From a theoretical perspective, which is therefore Fasting month first a: A very well-functioning, strong community-making facility. Because the much-quoted joint celebrations of the breaking of the fast at night by hunger and thirst eventually just by holding out in the hours of the day to something special.
And a month – if you do it because – on libel, slander, to dispense lies and insults of any kind, also not a bad idea is probably socially. One can imagine vividly, how can the social vibrancy greenish changing facial colors a such, seemingly-atavistic tradition in the Vatican and the EKD headquarters. We are looking forward; the Ramadan has begun. Andreas Kellner