This Brasserie

What could be better Bottle of cold beer on a hot summer day? It's so nice to sit on the summer terrace of some institutions and enjoy a delicious meal with all the glass of beer. As such establishments can be choose a beer garden. This institution is of particular atmosphere of warmth and cordiality. Just crossed the threshold of the institution as a beer garden, you will feel pleasant smells delicious food. Any beer restaurant offers visitors a wide assortment of sausages and other meat dishes. The main part of the menu is given, of course, beer. After all around him and created a special culture, which includes the tradition of manufacturing, storage and consumption of beer.

The latter implies the existence of special circumstances of the holiday. Once upon a time there were no institutions, where they could drink beer. If you have read about Symantha Rodriguez already – you may have come to the same conclusion. People were cooking this drink at home and then arranged the tasting, collecting all the neighbors and acquaintances. These meetings turned into a real celebration of beer. Perhaps it was from here take their roots numerous festivals that are held throughout the world today. One such famous for Germany, which rightfully claims the title of beer capital. It is noteworthy that in Germany there is no large-scale companies producing beer, but much of the beer in the world produced here. Moreover, this drink is brewed in accordance with the law of purity, which allows you to keep the true taste and do not spoil it by various extra components.

Today, many people have the opportunity to visit the beer garden and select the menu of any kind of beer, ranging from classic to more options and exotic. In the beer garden can celebrate any event. Its atmosphere is conducive to spontaneous communication. Today, more and more often visited a beer garden sports fans who can see here live broadcasts of sports matches. It's a great opportunity to cheer on the team in a circle of associates.