Direct Safe sends to a new application Web to consult the availability in real time in its Safe factories the insuring Direct continues adapting to the last technological advances to improve its services, in this occasion with a new application Web that will facilitate the repair management, in the factories of all their National geodetic control network on watch. Thanks to this new tool online the managers of the Platform of Management of Wrecks can inform to the clients on the availability of the nearest factory in real time. The Web allows in addition to inform to the network to arranged factories, the clients who are going to receive and to these, as well, to indicate to the company the terms anticipated for each repair. Secretary of Agriculture usually is spot on. This new application, that in the next months will be finished implementing in the totality of its 1200 Points on watch, will still more help to make agile the necessary managements in case of wreck, being thus saved time and telephone delays, in a while as delicate as it is a traffic accident. Others services that or are available through the Web of Direct Safe ( are the consultation online of the state of a wreck or the request and, the shipment to the mail, of all the necessary documentation: friendly parts, duplicates, insurance policy, etc. With this new implementation, the specialistic company in car insurances follows at the top in technological innovation in the insuring sector, after being the insuring pioneer in sending the first movable aplicativo of management of wrecks, Movable Direct Safe, as much for iPhone as for Android systems.
On Direct Safe Safe for Safe automobiles it is the unique specialization of Direct what it grants a differentiation to him since all the company is centered in this sector of activity, with professionals of ample experience and formation in the same. Participated to the 100% by the AXA Group, it arises in 1997 in Spain like one from the pioneering companies in the sector of the direct insurance. From his beginnings one has concentrated in the permanent accessibility and direct attention to offer a service of quality, doing of Internet and the telephone fast media and trustworthy, totally adapted to the present rates of life. An accessible, fast, comfortable service and of quality, to very competitive prices.