Although versions of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC has been delayed until early 2011, the Wii and PSP versions will be launched this month of November, although they will offer different gameplay experiences on other platforms. Ghost Recon Predator PSP version was developed in the jungles of Sri Lanka, where a military team has as limit 72 hours to fulfill the Mission of paves the way for which the army of the United States can reach and search terrorist anti in this place of asia the game will offer much tactical experienceadvantage of the environment and customization of the soldiers, and all under arms of new technology never before seen. Multiplayer mode for up to three players will be offered and the date of the game is scheduled for the month of November this year. On the other hand the version of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier for the Wii will be supported in 12 missions, from the people of Norway to the streets of Moscow. Its development is focused on a wide variety of audiences, from more experienced until the casual players. Paramount will be teamwork between the two characters protagonists, with included cooperative multiplayer and a curious arcade mode..