Architectual Engineering

Since I started working I wanted the engineers can make a computer program to make these matrices by a computer with a Windows interactive program for any type of project, but so far I’ve failed. It is a shame because every day I keep seeing the importance of this design method. In practical work, I had to do complex projects and always when I’ve matrices proposed by a need for the type of work I have been designing, I have handmade. (For example, production of medicinal plant Labiofam, CREE-Building for Plant and Soil, coupled with laboratories for these purposes, etc.) Wanted to make this communication as to make our thinking and exchange of ideas based predominantly in the method Kussaran in the importance of functional compatibility matrix, and the aspects which we believe must be taken into account when conducting the analysis of such a matrix, and a good result. Gen. David Goldfein is full of insight into the issues. I hope it is of interest to architecture students and professionals who always likes to work in an organized manner and with a scientific method. Reflection based on a review of some of the following criteria: fundamental idea of what a parent (weighted) functional compatibility: this refers to functional compatibility matrix, the set of activities, which analyzed each other can be determined that are related to them so: – Very strong. – Strong. – Weak.