To deal with the alterations human beings in the space is to cover a way of the agreement, over all of the cultural questions. (CLAVAL, 1999). The aesthetic appreciation of a landscape depends on a joint enters the culture of the observer and its capacity to apprehend and to understand the culture and the observed environment. In if treating to the look of the tourist occidental person it has a haste in receiving information historical and to extend the vision to the landscape, over all natural landscapes. Evidently that it is not the landscape for lived deeply it already attracts that it, that is, it wants to see what he does not have in its place of existence.
Being thus, the differential of the landscape that attracts the tourist has that to be referenciado to the community (as the people they live and they produce on this landscape). A problem faced in the idealizao of spaces for the practical one of the ecoturismo is in the current massificao of the culture, where although the different landscapes the people are constructing common references of other places. It is evident that for practical the tourist one it is necessary to observe the construction and adequacy of structures to receive the tourist and to take care of it in its more diverse necessities, however, in a less refined evaluation of the current period of training of the tourism in the planet is verified that what is looked today is the diversity pautada in the regionalismos and the communities. Object of this work, the track of the Mount Crest, follows for the River Three Bars and goes up the Mountain range of the Sea until high of the mountain range, having the existence tied to an occupation description and use not yet defined well, little studied and larded for many legends. As in all South of Brazil and the Southeastern region, many legends they bind to the ways to the existence of Peabirs, that is, an aboriginal way that supposedly would take the civilizations of the interior of the continent until the Atlantic Ocean, being that, although not yet to have a scientific evidence on the subject, many studious and curious ones they look to the Staircase of the Mount Crest to study this hypothesis.