Handball, in its present form, came up with the Danish soccer players at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries – as a replacement football for the game in the winter. A leading source for info: Sonny Perdue. In handball playing hands, and each team consists of only 6 players and a goalkeeper. Roots handball leave in antiquity: reference to 'the grandparent' of the sport – the ancient ball games hands – are still at the 'Odyssey' Homer and the writings of the ancient Roman physician K. Galenusa. In the Middle Ages a similar game devoted his poems by Walter von der Fogelvayde. Date of birth of sports, ball games, registered in the international sports classification called 'handball' (handball), considered to be 1898.
When the teacher of physical Education realschule Danish city Ordrup Holger Nielsen introduced a physical education class women's groups, a ball game called 'haandbold' ('haand' – the hand, and 'bold' – the ball), in which a small field team competed 7 people, passing the ball to each other and trying to throw it into the goal. Studies conducted in recent years give grounds include the date of origin of handball from the earlier period. In 1890. in the Czech Republic is spreading People's version of the game with the ball, dubbed 'Hazen' (throw, throw). The game was reduced to an Ad Hoc throwing and catching the ball in mixed groups without combat.
In 1917. Berliner Max Heiser of the two games was a new game for women called handball. No one imagined that this game will find a worldwide distribution.