It enters .causing the evidentes congenital patologias and depreocupao on the part of the parents, is the Syndrome of down. With this, opresente work had for objective to investigate the feelings epercepes of the parents front to the birth of a carrying son destasndrome. For the accomplishment of this research, we use as instrumentouma half-structuralized interview, elaborated with the objective of conheceruma parcel of the feelings of the parents front to a portadoradesta child syndrome, I contend open questions and closed they quetipificam/characterize the feelings front to this problematic one. Aamostra was corporate for 30 parents of carrying children of the Sindromede Down, who are taken care of in the FUNAD. Through the analysis one dadosconstatou of them that more than a feeling had been lived deeply by the paisdiante of the birth of a child with Syndrome of Down, sentimentosrelatados through its speaks, as: shock, I fight, loss, indifference, negation and sadness. Through the speeches, quea acceptance of a son with Syndrome of Down is perceived it is a process devulnerabilidade and emotional readjustment that certain time requires, of inicioh difficulty in accepting the diagnosis and constant cure search. Emrelao to the level of knowledge of the parents was possible to observe atravsda interview that until the birth of the child with Down 50% of the same noconheciam this syndrome, 25% little knowledge and the others 25%possuam a bigger knowledge. We can observe that some of them paispercebiam the syndrome as being illness, currently these percepesvieram if to modify, starting to perceive its children as adorveisespeciais and ' ' normais' '. We must acquire knowledge the professionals to aconhecerem the emotional conditions dealing, thus, effectively with arealidade of each family. The research counted on the participation of responsible parents and for the carrying child of the Syndrome of Down, with an income predominantly of until a minimum wage, what it demonstrates the difficulties presented for the families, and the precariousness in the atendimentos, as well as the difficult level of knowledge of these parents, in what the syndrome says respect.