Every parent thinks about raising a child, ask yourself the important question: how well my upbringing, is it necessary to educate, to help my child-rearing practices of these brave and determined to grow up? In this, parents often unconsciously bring to the process of educating their feelings, complexes, and unrealized dreams. In my practice I have experienced these moments, and provided some of the models of education that can lead to deviations in the child's mind. More information about these models of education. Model: "The child must …. Shame on you … "Right Parents" – "the right child." A child brought up on such a principle, is approval from teachers, neighbors and all the surrounding adults.
He obeyed, not naughty, does not stain clothes, engaged in many circles and sections. Such a child is more like an adult than their peers. Baby was coined "development plan" before he was born, in which parents identified the main trends and ideas: nursery without fail, English, swimming or gymnastics section. Strictly complied with the regime and discipline, actively inculcated norms and rules of conduct. Parents respond immediately to the slightest infraction, but did not notice the success of the child. Cons child deprived of his choice, his inclinations and desires are not taken into account. He is prohibited from negative emotions: anger, anger, resentment, fear, which in turn can lead to psychosomatic illnesses, or to autoaggression (when the child begins to destroy itself.) The saddest thing is that when This type of love is education a bargaining chip: a well-behaving – like, bad – not like. In the future, children raised on a "need" may have difficulties in building relationships, and if the child vulnerable, he may develop a complex viny.Chto do? Do not be afraid to show their love. Speak often of his love, hug, kiss your baby. Believe me, love is not much to think of a list of common byvaet.Postaraytes Affairs, together with the baby.