Fiberglass Reinforcement

We calculated the efficiency of the replacement of reinforced concrete structures stekloplastbetonnymi in operation in various aggressive environments synthetic fiber plants. SCOPE Fiberglass composite reinforcement: rebar used in accordance with the requirements of design documents for construction of buildings and structures of various naznacheniya.Armatura designed for use in industrial and civil, road stroitelstve.Primenenie concrete in concrete structures of buildings and structures of various naznacheniya.Dlya use in light and heavy concrete (foam concrete, slabs, in-situ foundations). In a layered brick masonry zdaniy.V as anchors for fastening the outer insulation of the walls zdaniy.V as nets and rods in konstruktsiyah.V as flexible ties of three-layer stone walls of buildings and structures of civil and industrial and agricultural construction, including the supporting layer, coated with a hard layer and at uteplitelya.Ispolzovanie bank stabilization. Maritime and port sooruzheniya.Kanalizatsiya, reclamation and vodootvedenie.Dorozhnoe fabric and infrastructure of chemical ograzhdenie.Elementy proizvodstv.Izdeliya of prestressed concrete with a relaxed and reinforcement (lighting columns, electric poles, insulators, transmission lines traverse, and road paving slabs, fence boards, borders, columns and pillars, railway sleepers, fittings for sewers, pipelines and trassoprovodnyh (district heating, cable channels) kommunikalnyh sistem.Pri erection of buildings to create non-removable opalubki.Perspektivno seymoustoychivyh zone buildings and structures both existing and newly constructed. The use of composite fiberglass reinforcement increases the service life of structures by 2-3 times compared with the use of steel reinforcement, especially when exposed to aggressive environments, including containing chloride salts, alkalis and acids.

BENEFITS Fiberglass Reinforcement: tensile strength is 3 times higher strength characteristics of steel bars of class AIII. Indicator of the ultimate strength of metal armature-390 MPa, the composite – at least 1000 MPa.Stekloplastikovaya fittings will not rust. Not subject to korrozii.Kislostoykaya. Resistant to sea vode.Stekloplastikovaya fixture has a high elastic .. Dielektrik.Kompozitnaya fiberglass reinforcement practically no … Does not change the properties under the influence of electromagnetic poley.Ne loses its strength properties when exposed to extremely low temperatures. Lighter metal reinforcement 9 times, at equiresistant replacement. Any construction length under the project requirements and the customer. The speed of production.