Sousa Rivers

The necessary memory dosindivduos to be preserved, when we initiate our colloquies eramcomuns you say in them of our narrators, expressions of the type, ‘ not if today fazmais isso’ , ‘ in our time he was assim’ , make reference to reference its time outrapoca, is as if in the gift it was not its time, would be the time of maisjovens, the memory is in constant adaptation to the moments, let us see quePortelli says in them regarding this subject. So that the accountant if recoups of tempoe if he puts into motion for front in the time, the necessary story to be preserved. This seaplica in such a way to the individual narratives how much to the collective ones: one also applies aosmitos that mold the identity of a group, as much how much to the memories pessoaisque molds the identity of the individual. 3 the time paranossos narrative at some moments is in something distant, that it cannot seralcanado, distanciado, ‘ it is the time of the myth of the story of fadas’ 4. The narrativasno is invariant, therefore as the narrator is in constant experiences with opresente acquired new possibilities, new aspects is placed in the suasnarrativas, new elements are incorporated its histories. A person to deveter counted its entire life, in a short and direct narrative, but is diferentede to seat one afternoon and being inquired for somebody with a recorder the contarhistrias, of its life, infancy, the tone of the narrative normally will be another one. Narrativassobre stories, lobisomem, saci, caiporas, botijas and other assombraes dasguas do not find a time determined, in some histories as of serperseguido for one they lobisomem its Dion if it remembers the dark night of fifth prasexta, in that beginning of winter, but it does not remember the year, however suanarrativa it goes if transforming into something real in its image that it creates dahistria, knia Sousa Rivers in its article ‘ It dries in the shortcuts of oralidade’ nosmostra as the narratives the past in the voice of narrador.